Printing is available from all public computers. You can send documents to [email protected] for the Circulation Desk to print from your home computer or mobile device. Items may be printed from USB flash drives also. The cost is $0.10 per page for black and white and $0.25 per page for color (includes tax).
The library has scanner services available with the assistance of library team members. Our printer/scanner is able to digitize documents and photos, and email, print, or save them to a USB flash drive. The scanner can also print color and black and white copies. There is no charge for scanning.
Faxes are sent by library team members. Upon request, the library may supply a cover sheet and confirmation page at no additional cost. The library stops transmitting faxes 30 minutes before closing. No faxes can be sent outside the U.S. Outgoing faxes are $1 per page with a maximum charge of $5.