Liberty Hill Public Library District Public Information Act Procedures
Texas Public Information Act Request Procedures
Liberty Hill Public Library District (LHPLD) recognizes the right of the public to access public records maintained by the library. Requests for public information, also known as open records requests, are handled in accordance with the Texas Public Information Act, Texas Government Code § 552.01,
LHPLD recognizes the right of the public to access public records maintained by the library in accordance with the Texas Public Information Act. LHPLD recognizes that certain records maintained by the library are not public records or may be exempt from public disclosure and that a request to access public records may require a balance of the right of the public to access the records, individual privacy rights, governmental interests, confidentiality issues, and privilege issues. LHPLD works to adopt a balance with these competing interests and to establish an orderly and consistent procedure for responding to public records requests. When the staff of LHPLD responds to requests to inspect, or copy records it is understood that costs are incurred by the library and that these costs may be passed on to the requestor. The fees charged are designed to reimburse the library for the actual costs incurred in responding to public records requests.
The library director, or any employee delegated such responsibilities by the Library Director, functions as the information officer for LHPLD.
The requestor must ask for records or information already in existence. Texas Public Information Act, Texas Government Code § 552.01, does not require the library to create new information, to do legal research, or to answer general questions. Liberty Hill Public Library District cannot provide access to records held by any other library, city, county, state, or federal agencies or governmental bodies. For records that are under the custody of these governmental agencies or bodies, you should submit your request to that agency.
Procedures for Making a Request
The following procedures shall be followed in responding to requests to inspect or receive copies of public records maintained by the LHPLD.
1. Any request for public records maintained by LHPLD must be referred to the library’s information officer or designee for review, collection, and processing of the request.
2. A Public Information Request Form must be completed for each request for information that is being submitted. Multiple requests for information cannot be made on the same form.
3. The Public Information Request Form must be signed and completed in order to initiate a request.
4. All requests for public information should be submitted to Liberty Hill Public Library District via mail, email, or fax (please refer to the information below). This allows the library to accurately document the date each request is received. If the request cannot be produced within twenty (20) business days, the requestor shall be notified of the delay and provided a reasonable date and time when the information is expected to be available.
5. At the requesting party’s preference, the library may make the requested records available in hard copy or in electronic format. The requesting party may ask the library to supply copied records either by mail or pickup at the library.
6. The fee to be charged for providing records in response to a public records request will be in accordance with the most current fee schedule established by the LHPLD Board of Trustees.
7. Pursuant to section 552.2615 of the Public Information Act chapter 552 of the Government Code, if a request for information under the public information act will result in charges of more than $40, the library must send a cost estimate to the requestor before doing any work on the request. To assist governmental bodies in writing cost estimates that comply with section 552.2615, the Open Records Division of the Office of the Attorney General provides the following Public Information Cost Estimate Model.
8. Additional charges may be incurred if the requestor: a) asks for the records to be mailed to them, the requestor will pay for the actual cost of postage; if they ask for the records to be mailed to them; and b) chooses to have records saved on a USB or other portable media storage device, which the library will supply due to cybersecurity concerns, the device will be charged at actual cost to the requestor.
9. LHPLD will provide 30 minutes of library staff time free of charge to respond to each requester. After 30 minutes, requestors will be charged at the hourly rate for each staff member involved in obtaining, reviewing, or any other tasks involved with the records.
10. If records must be reviewed by an attorney, the requestor will be billed for the time spent by the attorney for the district at the attorney’s hourly rate.
11. LHPLD reserves the right to adjust the established fee structure for extraordinary requests and will provide a cost estimate to the requesting party prior to the completion of this extraordinary request.
12. The library may also require an advance deposit of the estimated charges before copying any of the requested records or making the records available for inspection.
13. If the actual costs incurred by LHPLD to respond to a records request are less than the amount of any required prepayment, the overpayment will be refunded promptly to the person or entity making the prepayment. If the actual costs incurred by the library to respond to the request are more than the amount of prepayment, the library shall charge the requesting party for all additional costs.
14. Unless otherwise prohibited by law, the library may, at the library’s discretion, furnish copies of requested records without charge or at a reduced fee if the library determines that the waiver or reduction of fees is in the best interest of public
15. LHPLD reserves the right to not release copies of requested public records until the requester pays for the corresponding charges to complete said request.
16. The library shall provide a reasonable opportunity for the inspection, examination or copying of requested public records which are not exempt from disclosure. Unless otherwise approved in advance and in writing by the library director, any inspection, examination or copying of requested records shall be done at library during regular library business hours.
Submitting Public Information Act Requests
Although records provided to a requester may be deemed “open” or “public” records within the meaning and definitions found in the Texas Public Information Act, Texas Government Code § 552.01, the library recommends that when the requestor uses of any information provided by the library, that use must comply with all local, state, and federal laws, including, but not limited to, laws related to privacy, harassment, discrimination, debt collection, libel, slander and tort.
All requests for public information should be submitted to Liberty Hill Public Library District via mail, email, or fax.
Mailing Address
Liberty Hill Public Library District
P.O. Box 1072
Liberty Hill, Texas 78642
Attn: Library Director
Email Address
Fax Number
(512) 778-5822