How does borrowing an item work?

• You may borrow 5 items total your first check out.

• 1 game per card may be checked out at a time.

• 1 Playaway per card may be checked out at a time.

• 1 Wonderbook. Vox book per card may be checked out at a time.

• 5 DVDs per card may be checked out at a time.

• The loan period for all items is two weeks.

• Items may be renewed at the library, by telephone, or through the online catalog. The exception is if the item has been reserved by another patron.

• We honor TexShare library cards in good standing.

• If a book or other item you want is checked out, we can reserve it for you. Please ask at the Circulation Desk or contact us for assistance.

• If we do not own a particular item, we may be able to borrow it for you from another library. Please ask at the Circulation Desk or contact us for assistance.

• You can search the online catalog and place your own holds at the library or at home.  Your library card (numbers only) are your username. Your phone number with no dashes is your password. To cancel a hold, please contact the library.

Materials can be returned to the Circulation Desk during business hours. An after-hours book drop is available on the front porch for returns when the library is closed. Please note, games with game bags must be returned directly to the Circulation Desk.

The library’s eBooks and eAudiobooks can be downloaded to your tablet, smartphone, or computer using the Libby by Overdrive, Hoopla, or Boundless apps. Visit our Digital Library Materials page for more information and instructions. Please stop by the Circulation Desk or contact us with any questions.

Over the course of being a library user, you may end up damaging or losing a book, CD, or DVD. We understand that accidents happen to all of us. If you lose or damage an item checked out on your library card, you will be charged the replacement cost for the item, plus a $5 processing fee. Please call us (512-778-6400) or talk to a librarian to report the item lost or damaged. Replacement items are not accepted.

If library material is judged by a library team member to be damaged beyond repair and unsuitable for further circulation, the patron shall be charged the price of the item as listed in the library’s database, plus the $5.00 technical services processing fee.

Guests must be 14 years or older to visit the library unsupervised.

Simply use your library card (numbers only) as your username and your registered phone number with no dashes as your password.  If you have reset your password or need additional help logging in, please contact us.  We are happy to assist you.